This Saturday, Marymoor Park’s summer concert series continues on with a concert by The Piano Guys, a musical group who became an internet sensation through their original and beautiful YouTube videos. If you’ve never heard of them, check out their classical renditions of pop songs on their YouTube channel. Successful musicians with solo careers, each member of The Piano Guys brings an endearing personality along with their obvious will to inspire young and old, which keeps the fans coming back for more.
Of course if you’re heading out to the park this Saturday, keep an eye out for our Dumpling truck! We’ll be excitedly awaiting the show while feeding music enthusiasts all evening. We’ve got everything you need for a dumpling picnic to enjoy with your music and beverages. As always, we love being a part of the amazing music & arts scene in and around Seattle during the summer months, so no matter what concert, festival or show you’re headed to make sure you check our blog, Facebook, Twitter AND Instagram to see where we are!
Enjoy and we’ll see you out on the road soon.